Case Studies of Factors Influencing
Engagement of People with Disabilities

About this Project

Case Studies of Factors Influencing
Engagement of People with Disabilities

In contrast to the cross-organizational research design of our other projects, the purpose of this project was to conduct a case study of one federal and one private organization. Results to date highlights the employee's view of three primary issues emerging across several other related Cornell research projects: 1) self-disclosure, both of one's disability status and also of one's need for an accommodation; 2) perceptions related to disability discrimination (including factors that impact their likelihood); and 3) employee and managerial perceptions of, and experiences with (where applicable) disability policies and practices within their organization.


Research Briefs


Employer Practices Literature Mendeley Group

Literature related to studies of employer best practices supporting the hiring, retention, and promotion of people with disabilities. These articles focus on the demand (employer) side of the employment equation, focusing on the ways in which employer policies and practices affect the employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities.